The Project is carried out and divided in 11 Work packages, WP’s.
Each package has its own objectives and deliverables which can be seen as the target of the certain WP.

Work package

  1. Project Management
  2. Optimisation of Unit Properties
  3. Theoretical Investigations on the Stress States of Masonry Structures Subjected to Static and Dynamic Shear Loads (Lateral Loads)
  4. Design Model for the Resistance of Shear Loaded Masonry Structures
  5. Theoretical Investigations on Relevant Material Properties and Test Methods for Material Properties
  6. Theoretical Investigations on Shear Test Methods
  7. Static and Dynamic Shear Tests on Structural Members
  8. Large Scale Earthquake Test on a Building
  9. Development of Design Procedures for Standardisation and Simplified Rules for Application
  10. Dissemination of Knowledge
  11. Training




WP 1: Project Management
D 1.1 Project organisation, including the organisation of necessary meetings and the provision of status reports for the project partners
D 1.2 Organisation of a international conference for standardisation experts to present the results of the project and discuss the proposed drafts for European Standards
WP 2: Optimisation of Unit Properties
D 2.1 Definition of the relevant material properties for the initial FEM investigations in WP 3 and 4.
D 2.2 Proposals for the improvement of masonry units (Three reports, P21 (perforation pattern and unit size), P24 (material composition of CS-units), P25 (material composition of clay units)
D 2.3 Production of improved masonry units to be tested in the further steps in WP 7 and 8 of the programme
  Dokuments non public:D 2.1.1 - D 2.1.2 | D 2.2 - D 2.2.1 - D 2.2.2 - D 2.2.4 - D 2.3 top
WP 3: Theoretical Investigations on the Stress States of Masonry Structures Subjected to Static and Dynamic Shear Loads (Lateral Loads)
D 3.1 Theoretical Investigation on Stress States of Masonry Structures Subjected to Static and Dynamic Shear Loads (Lateral Loads)
D 3.2 Analysis of Apartment House (AH) - Input for WP 4 to 6
Dokuments public:D 3.0.1 - D 3.0.2 - D 3.0.3 | D 3.1 - D 3.2   top
WP 4: Design Model for the Resistance of Shear Loaded Masonry Structures
D 4.1 Report on particular requirements for the optimisation of masonry unit properties
D 4.2 Report on specific demands for test methods and required material properties
D 4.3 Report on the integral shear design model for structural masonry members
D 4.4 Report on the verification of the design model with test results of WP 6, 7 and 8
D 4.5 Final report on the integral shear model and its verification by experimental results
Dokuments public: D 4.4 + 4.5 Dokuments non public: D 4.1 - D 4.2 - D 4.3 top
WP 5: Theoretical Investigations on Relevant Material Properties and Test Methods for Material Properties
D 5.1 material parameters as input for WP 3
D 5.2 analysis and evaluation of test methods for tensile strength and bond strength
D 5.3 construction of suitable test set-ups
D 5.4 Proposal of suitable and cost-effective test methods for the determination of the tensile strength of units and bond strength between unit and mortar
D 5.5 Material properties for the tests in WP 7 and 8 and the verification of the design model of WP 4
Dokuments public: D 5.4 Dokuments non public:D 5.1 | D 5.2 | D 5.3 | D 5.5 top
WP 6: Theoretical Investigations on Shear Test Methods
D 6.1 Study on suitability of existing test methods
D 6.2 Development of test methods for the determination of masonry properties under lateral loads in WP 7, incl. test methods for European standardisation
D 6.3 Construction of test set-up for shear tests for validation of proposed method
D 6.4 Series of shear tests for validation
Dokuments public: D 6.1 | D 6.2 | D 6.4 Dokuments non public: D 6.3 top
WP 7: Static and Dynamic Shear Tests on Structural Members
D 7.1 Test results on the behaviour of masonry under static (monotonic and cyclic) in plane lateral loads
D 7.2 Test results on the earthquake resistance on improved masonry materials by pseudodynamic and shaking table tests
D 7.3 Identification of suitable behaviour factors for masonry members under earthquake loads
Dokuments public: D 7.1 - D7.1b - D7.1c | D 7.2a - D 7.2b - D 7.2c | D 7.3   top
WP 8: Large Scale Earthquake Test on a Building
D 8.1 Report on definition and design of test specimen
D 8.2 Report on preliminary tests and dynamic identification of test specimen
D 8.3 Final report on earthquake tests and analysis of the experimental results(e.g. behaviour factors)
Dokuments public: D 8.3 - D 8.3 AnnexA - D 8.3 AnnexB Dokuments non public: D 8.1 | D 8.2 top
WP 9: Development of Design Procedures for Standardisation and Simplified Rules for Application
D 9.1 proposals for an advanced design model of masonry under lateral loads for the implementation in Eurocode 6-1 (P20)
D 9.2 proposals for simplified rules for masonry buildings subjected to lateral loads (P19)
D 9.3 proposals for design procedures for masonry in Eurocode 8 (P15)
D 9.4 proposals for simplified methods for masonry structures in Eurocode 8 (P22)
Dokuments public: D 9.1 | D 9.2 | D 9.3 + 9.4   top
WP 10: Dissemination of Knowledge
D 10.1 Project presentation and plan for using and disseminating knowledge
D 10.2 Internet platform for public and internal information
D 10.3 Information days for the personnel of the SMEs (technical and consulting staff)
D 10.4 Organisation of an European conference for the involved standardisation experts (Project presentation and dissemination of results)
D 10.5 Provision of draft versions of test standards
D 10.6 Provision of draft versions of design procedures for masonry walls under lateral loads
D 10.7 Participation in information days for architects and structural designers (Project presentation and dissemination of results)
D 10.8 Information leaflets with special respect to product particularities and regional aspects (e. g. earthquake zones) (Project presentation and dissemination of results)
Dokuments public: D 10.1   top
WP 11: Training 
D 11.1 Training days for SME’s technical and consulting staff (processing, design and marketing)
D 11.2 Training days for IAG’s technical staff


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mauerwerksbau e. V.*
10969 Berlin
Kochstr. 6 - 7
Telefon: +49 (0)30 253596-40
Telefax: +49 (0)30 253596-45

* Eintragung beim Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg VR 24474 Nz
steuerpflichtig bei: Finanzamt Berlin 27/620/57557

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dr. Ronald Rast, Geschäftsführer


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